1:1 scale model of the Pioneer 4 spacecraft, it's a cone-shaped probe launched by NASA using a Juno II launching vehicle and sent on a lunar flyby mission.
Donatello is known as the 'brains' of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, when not practicing with his bo staff he's often seen tinkering with various gadgets and machines.
Desktop Gremlins has paper arachnids and other creepy crawlies for you to download, it's part of Session 2 of their highly informative Paper Projects series.
Armored Ford FT-B papercraft created by deviantARTist vladcorail, its design is based on the 'model 1920' design by Tadeusz Tanski - a small armored car built upon a Ford T chassis.
Johnny Bravo is the title character of an animated series created by Van Partible for the Cartoon Network about the misadventures of a blonde Elvis-like egomaniac.