27 February 2006

Miffy Papercraft - The Little White Bunny

Here is another cute paper model creation by Kei Kraft, this was commisioned by Asahi.com in recognition of Miffy, the loveable little white bunny created by Dick Bruna, one of the most famous creators of picture books in the world. Miffy is a very popular character in Japan, and if you have not noticed it by now, Japan likes cute and cuddly animal characters.

Miffy Papercraft [via mediafire]


  1. You have a wonderful site going with awesome finished projects to show!

    I've seen this Miffy model on Asahi before too, but unfortunately I can't download from there because I'm not Japanese and can't read any Japanese. It seems though, with my thorough fiddling around on there, that I have to sign up to get to download which I can't do.

    Would you mind if I get a copy of this model from you? I'm a big Miffy fan and I would love to make this little guy! Thanks a bunch!

  2. My email is dreamingforest.ca@gmail.com which is also on my website ^_^ Thanks!

  3. Here is a working link to download the Miffy paper model,


    Please download the file within 5 days because it will automatically be deleted after that.

  4. Thanks a lot for this information and to share the file.

    I am big Miffy fan and a friend of mine did a nice origami figure - www.cutnejo.com and http://www.miffa.net/cms/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=16&Itemid=2

    I was trying to build my own Miffa paper model but with poor results.

    Now a new cutnejo companion is on the way.

  5. Hi~~ I would like to have a copy of thi smodel from you too~


  6. For those who have the Adobe Acrobat program (not Adobe Reader), you can also save it as a PDF file. (You have to have Macromedia Flash player for the page to display properly.) Look for the banner that has the printer icon and the yellow and orange round buttons with numbers. Click on the round orange button. A pop-up will appear with the "Select Printer". Select Adobe PDF as your printer. This will save it as a PDF file.

    (Selecting the orange button will print/save all the needed pages. You can select the yellow button if you want to print/save the pages separately.)

  7. Thank you!
    [url=http://emebjjvg.com/flfu/gteg.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://gkkbpybn.com/irkl/zjhv.html]Cool site[/url]

  8. Great work!
    http://emebjjvg.com/flfu/gteg.html | http://zebszwhp.com/gwhr/lmvr.html

  9. Adorable. :) Great work on it.

  10. Hi ron,

    I love your Miffy very much, please would you send me by email?

    Thanks a lot!

  11. I LOVE your site! You have some great papercraft finds. I included a link to you in my blog carnival on papercrafts at prettypatrol.com.

    Betsy Lou

  12. I can't download this model.
    Please help me :(


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