11 October 2007

Pixtoyz Papercaft

A new site called Pixtoyz by Roubinet Florent has just made their debut and their doing it with the release of their pixelated-line of papercraft toys. For now you'll have the option of making four of them, namely, Skateboy, El Pixelo, Pitboy, and Pix Babe. These are all great, easy to build and full of pure pixel fun. So head on to over to Pixtoyz and check out what they've got.

Pixtoyz - [Download Page] [Site]


  1. easy? hopefully your rigt,
    im giving it a try on my lunchbreak

  2. ive sent you the new eva model from chokipeta, why havent you posted it yet?

  3. Yes, I did receive your email with the Eva model and I thank you for it, I've also received tons of email from other people with the same attachment (you guys must be getting it from the same source). Unfortunately, I've got a thing going on with Softgarage (Chokipeta designed it but Softgarage owns that stuff), so I can't post that one, sorry.

  4. what? is this true? your actually "not" posting a chokipeta papercraft?

  5. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

    Not every Chokipeta papercraft, just this one.


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