21 January 2008

Chinese Zodiac Papercraft Boxes - Kutchuk

Simple papercraft boxes with the Chinese Zodiac theme, very good for beginners and kids. Straight from Paris, France - Marie-Hélène Visconti from Kutchuk.com just dropped by and informed us that they have these fun papercrafts for celebrating the Chinese New Year. Some other related posts include this one from Ryo and this other one from Injan.

Chinese Zodiac - [via Kutchuk.com]


  1. Thank you for having posted them. I really enjoyed drawing them and I am glad to see they interested you.

    There is also a set of masks of these animals.

  2. Judging from the model, it looks like you colour and customise them. I'm glad you changed the setting on your blog because on reading some of the comments on the other post. Mainly the anonymous people wrote a lot a rubbish.
    I'm downloading the shinakeko at the moment but won't make just yet as there loads of other models to make.


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