Popularly known in the west as Star Blazers, this Japanese sci-fi anime series has spawned two paper models courtesy of Bandaivisual Japan - they are the Cosmo Zero and Black Tiger papercrafts. These two models originally came with the Space Battleship Yamato papercraft kit back in 2001, but since this book is a rarity now, I guess they decided to give the two small space crafts for free.

Space Battleship Yamato Papercraft [Bandaivisual]
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ReplyDeleteGreat site!
About 2 years ago i came across a Japanese web site which someone had built a Star Blazers Andromeda paper model. This thing was big, really big, well over 2 feet.
I lost the link due to a hiccup with FireFox (i lost a bunch of goodlinks)so i don't know where to find it and i Googled the thing to death trying to find it. I have photos of it somewhere on disk but im at work so i can't check for now.
Im wondering if you know of this and have the link. Unfortunately if i remember he didn't have a download for it. I want to Email him to see if i can beg him to release it.
If your interested in the photos i'll find them and Email them to you.
I think I know what your talking about, but I'd have to check my files later on when I get home from work. Just use the contact form above to get in touch.