12 May 2008

Haruhi Suzumiya Papercraft - Yuki Nagato

She's the pretty alien android and one of the main characters in the Haruhi Suzumiya light novel and anime series. It's extremely popular in Japan and has become a cult television series with a large and dedicated fanbase. The pattern is in PDO format so you'll need the free Pepakura Viewer software to open it, and be sure to download it asap because the link will only be up until May 18.

Haruhi Suzumiya Papercraft - Yuki Nagato [Imperishable Night/kaguya]

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  1. Can anyone plz send me this file >< I noticed this post too late and didn't get a chance to download it.

    my email is linkback2past@gmail.com thanks

  2. ;__; like Shinou said!
    can anyone please send this file for me too?

    my email is su_furiasin_fin@hotmail.com


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. a183848@uach.mx

    Please, send the file!

  5. send this file for mv_891994@hotmail.com please!

  6. Please help me T~T I need this so badly!I have a collection and it's missing one. Well I have a collection, that I am still going to print out ^_^ Please send me this file. Thanks

    my email is salvare0zero0@gmail.com. Thanks again.

  7. Please! I have a collection and it's missing one. Please send me this file. Thank you very much indeed, if send file.

    My email is wizardkonohamaru@gmail.com / wizard_wyk@hotmail.com ...

  8. Please, send it to me!!!


  9. Papercrafts AdminJune 30, 2010 9:03 AM

    Good news, everyone! I have found papercraft for "Haruhi Suzumiya Papercraft - Yuki Nagato"! You can download it here at the site bellow.


    Best of luck to you guys!


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