Setsubun is celebrated on February 3, it marks the start of spring season in Japan. It's celebrated with a bean throwing ritual called the mamemaki, to drive away bad luck / demons (oni) and bring in a new year of good fortune. A part of that celebration is eating a big sushi roll called the ehou-maki.

It's considered as a fortune roll, they eat the entire thing without stopping and in total silence while facing the auspicious direction for that year, they also make wishes while their eating. Then there's the demon masks (Oni-no-men), somebody wears it while the rest throw beans at him and shouting "Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!” or “Oni out, good fortune in!”
Setsubun Papercraft [Paper Museum]
Setsubun Papercraft 2 [Yamaha]
Setsubun Demon Mask Papercraft [@nifty]
Setsubun Demon Mask Papercraft 2 [Canon]
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