12 May 2009

Skelanimals Papercraft - Kit the Cat

Check it out kids, an exclusive from the PaperPokes Team, yay!

This is Kit the Cat from the Skelanimals (skeleton + animals) - cute, little dead animals that are looking for a home. Kit serves as one of the 20 adorable mascots for the Skelanimals brand. According to their site:
Kit’s favorite scary movie is "Lost at Sea."

Whenever she sees water she gets scared and looks for a high place to stay like your bookshelf, or next to your computer, 'cause she knows she won't get wet there. She's quite clever that way.

She can be a little sassy, but she doesn't mean it. It's just part of her nature.

Designed by PMF, Kit was originally a request from Skelekitty. There's also a series of Hello Kitty papercrafts going to come out based on the Kit model and probably some more of the other Skelanimals ^^ so keep an eye out for that.

Big thanks to the Paperpokes Team! (PMF, Paperbuff, and Skelekitty)
And now for the goods ^^

Skelanimals - Kit the Cat Papercraft (Letter)
Skelanimals - Kit the Cat Papercraft (A4)
Skelanimals Goodies


  1. i demand the other ones aswell, mainly dee, jack and foxy :P

  2. Wow, thanks for this, i didnt know about Skelanimals until this showed up.

  3. This has to be Hello Kitty's new boy friend...

  4. @carl

    forgot to mention, Kit is a girl ^^

  5. JAJA. Genial, lo descargare y lo hare mañana mismo.
    Un saludo desde Chile.

  6. I absolutly MUST HAVE a Marcy!

  7. wow cool i <3 kit mabey the new skelanimals to like jae and all them maybe u could do a step by step thing so we can make it i like chung kee dax wow really all of them thnx

  8. i have every single stuffed animal and am now collecting everything else ;]


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