28 July 2010

Anime Papercraft Overload - Maidens (Vocaloid x Touhou Project x Bakemonogatari)

Hatsune Miku Papercraft

Since we haven't heard from GT40 in a while (he's the source for majority of the Tohou characters you'll see here), I thought I'd introduce a new Japanese designer that has a similar style - pretty much the same paper model but is posed, dressed, and styled differently every time ^^. The designer calls himself SSN and his site is titled Seisaku Diary.

SSN's papercraft range from Vocaloid superstar Hatsune Miku to Touhou youkai Yukari Yakumo and every other anime maiden in between. When you click on the links below it'll take you to SSN's site, download links are located at the bottom of the posts - move your mouse pointer over the green-colored links and look for ZIP files.

Pictured above is the Hatsune Miku papercraft, followed by:

Bakemonogatari Papercraft - Nadeko Sengoku

Bakemonogatari Papercraft - Nadeko Sengoku

Touhou Nazrin Papercraft

Touhou - Nazrin Papercraft

Bakemonogatari - Mayoi Hachikuji Papercraft

Bakemonogatari - Mayoi Hachikuji Papercraft

Kazepo Papercraft

Kazepo Papercraft

Moonlight Carnival Papercraft - Lunaria

Moonlight Carnival Papercraft - Lunaria

Bakemonogatari Hitagi Senjogahara Papercraft

Bakemonogatari - Hitagi Senjogahara Papercraft

Touhou - Suika Ibuki Papercraft

Touhou - Suika Ibuki Papercraft

Touhou - Yukari Yakumo Papercraft

Touhou - Yukari Yakumo Papercraft

Touhou - Ran Yakumo Papercraft

Touhou - Ran Yakumo Papercraft

Touhou - Orange Papercraft

Touhou - Orange Papercraft

That's all for now, have fun downloading!

Touhou Project Papercraft [Related Pots]
Chibi Hatsune Miku Papercraft
Vocaloid Papercraft
Bakemonogatari Papercraft
Utada Hikaru Papercraft


  1. Excellent models, can't wait to start making some of them!
    Also, Orange is actually Chen, haha (Chen means orange in Chinese, or bitter orange in Japanese)

  2. Wow, these are really cool! Wish we had our new pc and printer now so i could print, cut, fold, and glue these things together. And btw, just recently got "we are paper toys" in the mail and i'm enjoying the book very much so. Makes me want to design some myself.

  3. Awesome! Easier than moekami but better looking than... I forget the artist

    Just what I was looking for! And very good aesthetics considering the simplicity

  4. Can someone help me with the instructions of the Nazrin model?
    I cant read it because its on japanese. v_v


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