18 January 2011

Black Selena Gundam Papercraft

Black Selena Gundam Papercraft

Black Selena Gundam papercraft from Bataf, this isn't an official Gundam model but just a recolor and based on the Bootfighter Gundam fighting game.

Black Selena Gundam Papercraft [Download]

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  1. the link don't work ore is forbidden :'(

  2. Please try again, I just checked it from my end and it's ok. What browser are you using? any blockers/filters running?

  3. Figure the author's site might be useful:

  4. firefox and opera
    with both i get a acces denied message and a login from microsoft bla whatever

  5. @grimpirate
    The link (template) is hosted at live.com, that's where he's having issues with.

  6. an upload to mediafire ore somewhere else would be great :(

  7. @Destro2k

    I'll just send you a copy, but I can't post a different link since I don't have permission from bataf - we don't want to burn any bridges ^^


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