We have Mitsubishi Motors' papercraft cars today, they're not in Japan's big 3 auto makers but within the top ten. On their official web site, there are 33 paper cars and some of them out have cut-out paper stand-ins. It doesn't showcase the depth of their car line-up, but instead, the majority of the papercraft focuses more on the variety of their two most popular brands, the Pajero (SUV) and the Lancer Evolution. Designed by Mizorogi Akira. They may not be in the big 3, but they definitely beat Toyota with the paper model count. Check it out!

Mitsubishi Paper Cars [Mitsubishi.co.jp]
Mitsubishi Paper Cars [Translated Version]
Mizorogi Akira [Home Page]
Cool - but no Delica L300!!! One of their coolest looking vehicles.