02 March 2009

Discovery One Papercraft

Discovery One PapercraftFrom one of the greatest science fiction films ever made and based on Arthur C. Clarke's 2001: A Space Odyssey, here's another heavily anticipated paper model from designer uhu02 - the Discovery One papercraft.

Discovery One is a scientific explorer spacecraft sent on a doomed mission to observe a mysterious black Monolith orbiting around Jupiter (was Saturn in the original novel). Discovery One was controlled by a computer system called HAL 9000, a sentient on-board computer that went bonkers and killed the whole crew except for the lead scientist, David Bowman.

This Discovery One papercraft has 22 pages for the parts and 25 if you include the instructions. It also includes a base/stand for those who want to display it or you can simply put strings and hang it on your room. It's a great paper model and definitely worth building if you're a big sci-fi fan.

2001 Space Odyssey - Discovery One Papercraft

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  1. Didn't this designer get upset about abuse of the 1st site and request a link to the 2nd site not be posted?

  2. Yeah, I think it was him. What model was that btw?

  3. I'm afraid I can't let you fold this, Dave.

  4. @Ron: It must be one of his two most famous models, IronMan, or Hellboy's Samritan

  5. Received lots of email yesterday from other readers saying it was the Black Pearl papercraft?

  6. Does anyone know where to get the patterns for this model. It desperately wants to hang over my bookcase.

  7. I am a huge fan of uhu's papercrafts - they are simply breathtaking. Unfortunately, I came late to the papercraft community and most of his models are no longer available. Does anyone know where I might find cached downloads of some of his stuff - like the Time Machine, or the Discovery One? I have tried to contact him via his blog but without success.


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