18 March 2009

Easter Bunny Papercraft 2

Easter Bunny Papercraft 2Easter season is nearing once again, for the religious types this means a time for celebrating the Resurrection of Christ, but for those that are not into this kinds of things - the secular types - it's going to be a fun holiday filled with chocolate Easter eggs, marshmallow bunnies, Peeps, jelly beans ^_^.

Who's going to bring all these goodies? the Easter Bunny, of course.
This paper toy comes with the Easter Bunny, a cane, a Easter basket, decorated eggs, a chick, and some grass. This paper toy would be a great addition to anybody's Easter basket.
Easter Bunny Papercraft 2 [macula.tv]

Easter Bunny Papercraft 1 [Related Posts]
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  1. As a Christian I have to say I find the text disgraceful!

    I go egg hunting too :P

  2. What is disgraceful about it?

  3. I like to refer to this weekend as Autumn cycle weekend, which includes Fridays Lamb roast day and Sundays Chocolate day.
    But I do see where the offended person is coming from since I have met christians who aren't happy until their views
    are upheld and women are treated as second class citizens.


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