28 April 2009

Tomb Raider Papercraft - Torso Monster

Torso Monster PapercraftAppearing in the original Tomb Raider video game, the Torso Monster is one of the freakish genetic creations by Jacqueline Natla - former Queen of Atlantis and main antagonist.

The Torso Monster reappears in Tomb Raider: Anniversary and is called the Giant Mutant.

Tomb Raider - Torso Monster Papercraft

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  1. I loved playing that game when it first came out, but it was so long ago that I have absolutely no recolection of that monster!

    The scary gorillas, wolves and bears i recall, but not a torso monster ... I'm pretty sure I clocked it :\

  2. Brings back memories ^^, was in my senior year in HS when it came out. Distracted me for a bit, all I can think about is going home and finishing the game.


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