14 August 2009

Legend of Zelda Papercrafts by Zurielz01

Check it out, a new designer in the block with lots of ZeldaZelda papercrafts to share with us ^^

Includes paper models of the Clawshot, Cucco, Fierece Deity Link, Ganondorf's Horse, Hylian Shield, Midna Mask, Ordon Shield, Shadow Beast, Wooden Shield, Wooden Sword and an out-of-place Anakin Pod Racer ^^.

Legend of Zelda Papercrafts by Zurielz01

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  1. Most of these aren't buildable...

  2. These models look very, very nice. But the PDOs are not finished. In fact, they appear to be auto-unfold and not even arranged in a printable manner.

    Not that this is a problem for me, but there will be some people out there who will be unable to unfold/arrange the pieces for themselves, because they only have Pepakura Viewer.

  3. if you want the piece that fits just hurts: bec_one_97@hotmail.com am zurielz01

  4. Some don't even look that nice. I only looked at the Shadow Beast, but I'm not looking any further. It is in no way edited, it isn't even posed to look good or stand. On top of that, it is auto unfolded as Skelekitty said.

  5. forgiveness for what models do not edit before posting, and I am editing, sorry for the inconvenience, accommodating the feet and am editing the pose of the beast of the shadows


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