09 August 2009

Steampunk Papercraft - LZ100 Airship

LZ100 Steampunk Airship Papercraft From artist George Schiefer, aka Professor Philander Grindley of the Paper Empire, the L.Z. 100 Series steampunksteampunk airship.

LZ100 Steampunk Airship Papercraft

LZ100 Steampunk Airship Papercraft

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  1. I would love to make this but the link doesn't go anywhere.

  2. Follow the link to the Paper Empire and you will see the author/artist wants $5 for the high quality pdf version of this model. However, if you look around on those pages, you can find the original still uploaded. I would post the link, but I have a feeling it might get taken down or moved if I do.


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