26 December 2009

Bonboya-zyu Papercraft (Chibi Cat)

Japanese convenience store franchise, Daily Yamazaki, has put up a Bonboya-zyu chibi cat papercraft designed by Keicraft for their Chibi Gallery Campaign. Download it asap, it will only be available until Jan. 17, 2010.

Bonboya-zyu Papercraft (Chibi Cat) [Download]

Wasabi Cat Papercraft [Related Posts]
Anime Cat Papercraft
Shinaneko Papercraft
Jiji the Cat Papercraft
Maruman Cat Papercraft


  1. Cuteeee, I like it.

  2. Link isn't working. :(

  3. por favor vuelvan a cargar el link T_T

  4. Yes it's sad that the link is dead, when i found out it was toooo late.

  5. does anyone have the a copy of this and would be nice enough to send us a copy?? I really want this too.

  6. Des any one have the copy of "Bonboya-zyu Papercraft (Chibi Cat)"
    Please Please Please send Me a copy @
    grim350z@mobsters.com.I would be thankful if anyone have it ^^


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