21 December 2009

Campbell's Tomato Soup Can Papercraft

Campbell's Tomato Soup Can Papercraft I thought Tek was coming up with something big this month (there's still time though ^^), but you get a can for now.

Campbell's Tomato Soup Can Papercraft [Download]

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  1. This can immediately makes me think of the modern artist Andy Warhol and his use of everyday objects in his art.

    This is actually a really cool. Though not very challenging to build.

    Happy Holidays.

  2. Me? Something big? You must have me confused with someone else. ;)

  3. @Tek

    You've got skillz, i believe in you ^^

  4. "Anonymous" is right saying that this can is one of the famous art pieces leading to andy warhol. I once had a arts-lesson at school just about that can ^^


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