17 July 2010

Epson Evangelion Papercraft - EVA 01 & EVA 01 Type F

Epson Evangelion Papercraft If anybody has figured a way to bypass MyEpson's driver-check you can now download this awesome Evangelion paper model (UNIT 01), and please send me a copy as well ^^.

Epson Evangelion Papercraft - EVA 01 & EVA 01 Type F [Download]

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  1. that sucks, japanese site, where you can only get the model with a japanese epson printer >(

  2. Wow, this is so cool!!!!!!!! can anyone please tell me how to directly download this, I tried to translate the page but it is still in Japs, Thanks in advance

  3. Would you be able to must download a Japanese Epson printer driver, load it and fool the site?

  4. I have tried that on the Mickey Mouse papercraft (previous Epson model) and it didn't work :(

  5. works on internet explorer and safari

    user: pnlnd12
    pass: freedom

    i still cannot download the models.
    if somebody can do it, please post the link.
    cause gonna appear another stuff

  6. Someone with a Japanese friend? We need to get this model it is awesome , there must be a way to get it, the one that post it here will be a Hero, let's get this done, we need to find out a way to do it!

  7. Ok guys, it said "coming soon".. Therefore, it's not up for download yet. We can only wait slowly. =)

  8. anyone can download the models and upload on some pages and pass the link y understand the japanese

  9. hmmm i inspected the elements on the page and wandered why the buttons dont go anywhere... when i looked.. there wasnt a destination set. AAAHHHH!!!! i hope im just stupid here

  10. http://www.4shared.com/file/JiksiUVz/EPSON_EVA_01.html


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