30 July 2009

Captain America - Shield Papercraft

Captain America Shield Papercraft Tektonten recolors one of his papercrafts to recreate Captain America'sCaptain America iconic shield.

And speaking of Cap's shield, did any of you spot its apperance in last year's Iron ManIron Man movie (w/ Robert Downey Jr.)? a sign of good things to come ^^ (cough)Avengers(cough). I got the Blu-ray edition of the film and did a screen grab, you can see the shield sitting on Tony Stark's work bench (in the background/left side of screen).

Captain America's Shield Makes a cameo appearance in Iron Man

Captain America Shield Papercraft

Captain America Papercraft
Iron Man Papercraft
Park Heroes - Captain America Papercraft


  1. Hi. Just want you to know that sometimes, my son do EC droppging for me. And he memorized your url. My other son is fascinated with origami, he asked me if you did the papercrafts pictures posted in your blog.

    Keep on posting nice pictures, my son now loves to do ec dropping for me when I'm busy. Thanks

  2. Good eyes, I've watched the movie over 5 times now and I never noticed that shield, I have got to watch it again.

  3. I noticed it right away the first time I saw the movie, but I never thought of it as being Captain America's shield, I thought it was just some part for his armor ^^

    I only found out what it was after I read this blog post.


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