03 November 2010

The Ultimate Canon SLR / DSLR Papercrafts (Canonflex, AE-1, & EOS 5D Mk II)

The Ultimate Canon SLR/DSLR Papercrafts

Last year Canon celebrated its 50th Anniversary in producing high-quality SLRs, CANON iMAGE GATEWAY Europe posted these papercrafts representing 3 of their most significant / historic / legendary SLR/DSLR cameras ^^.

Canonflex Papercraft Part 1 [Download]
Canonflex Papercraft Part 2

Canon AE-1 Papercraft Part 1 [Download]
Canon AE-1 Papercraft Part 2

Canon EOS 5D Mk II Papercraft Part 1 [Download]
Canon EOS 5D Mk II Papercraft Part 2

Dippold Pinhole Camera Papercraft [Related Posts]
Ravensblight Pinhole Camera Papercraft
Rubikon 2 Camera Papercraft
Corbis Readymech Camera Papercrafts
Olympus OM-1 Camera Papercraft


  1. can someone help me to download the file than send it to me? cause i don't have the member id for canon europe. this is my email :andrian26vin@gmail.com.... thanks before :)

  2. Hola, me pueden ayudar con los archivos para armar la cámara?'... please!!! mi mail es cristinaandradeq@hotmail.com


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