Why wait for Tuesday ^^, come in and join Paperkraft.net's 2010 New Year Giveaway.
UPDATE: By the end of this contest, the papercraft designer with the most count gets a prize (secret) as well, so if the designers are reading this, gather your troops/followers and tell them to vote for ya ^^
For those that didn't win last time, you now have another chance of getting some cool stuff from your favorite papercraft blog ^^.
This contest starts today and will end in January 3, 2010 11:59 PM CST (this coming Sunday). A winner will be selected using Random.org's List Randomizer and posted the following day for everybody to see. Previous winners are not allowed to join this and other Paperkraft.net contests until after a month from the day they won.
This time we've got some Sony PS3
schwag featuring Spike Video Game Awards' 2009 Game of the Year winner, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.
The set includes an official Uncharted 2 Long Sleeve T-Shirt L size, tote bag, lanyard, and an official Playstation Cap.




PlayStation Cap
But before we start, let me address a couple of concerns/questions that were thrown out in the previous contest.
1. Email concerns - I'm sure everyone is aware that spammers operate bots that crawl around the web looking for email addresses, that's why I specifically asked you to follow the format youremail AT gmail.com, so that it wouldn't be easy for the bots to spot or pick them up - it's not guaranteed to protect your email but it can be a deterance. If you have not done it, i encourage you to sign-up for a new email address for joining online contests and such, keeping a separate and private email for close friends and family.
2. Will you ship in my country? you can check the answer to that at usps.com or http://pe.usps.com/text/Imm/immctry.htm - if your country is listed here, then you're good.
3. Shipping and Tax - I will pay for shipping and tax (in my country, if any), if your country/customs decides to tax it (i doubt it though), that is on you.
Now for the simple rules, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post, making sure to follow these two things ^^
1. On the first line, tell me who your favorite papercraft/paper toy/paper model designer is, follow this format:
My favorite papercraft designer is _________
2. Leave your email on the second line/paragraph and strictly follow this format:
youremailname XX yourdomain.com
Please take note that the "@" symbol should be "XX" and that there is a space before and after it. If your email is ihatespam@gmail.com then you would enter ihatespam XX gmail.com
My favorite papercraft designer is ABC
youremailname XX yourdomain.com
My favorite paper toy designer is DEF
youremailname XX yourdomain.com
My favorite paper model designer is GHI
youremailname XX yourdomain.com
I hope that is clear enough for everybody to understand, if you have questions, just email me or leave it in the comments section. Good luck and Happy New Year.