* This will be the new layout for Paperkraft.net, goodbye to the old "fragmented" look.
* I still can't figure out the widget delays, as you may notice some of them load pretty slow. I'll tidy up the code and we'll see what happens. The Buzz Cloud was moved to the left side because it was not getting enough attention on the right.
* I took out the previous image background (the one w/ stripes) to cut down the loading time for the front page and replaced it with this simple one (1kb shadow effect)
* Still trying to fix comments section. If you click on a post and scroll all the way down you'll see that the comments part is a bit confusing, it lacks separation and you can't easily figure out which comment is whos.
* Finally, the Chokipeta Tank contest, a lot of people have been asking as to what happened to it. Well, it miserably failed, there was only one entry submitted on time and it came from Deutschland. Unfortunately I had to disqualify it because it had the wrong theme and didn't have the proof I asked for. A lot of reasons come to mind on why it failed, maybe tanks are not that popular, not everybody has a camera, not enough time, too busy enjoying the holidays, or maybe Chokipeta isn't as popular to the masses as I believe him to be? The Chokipeta Tank would probably be included on a giveaway contest or added to another papercraft kit for a different type of contest - this time with proper planning :)
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